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Submit your music.
Win recording sessions
and more great prizes.
Submit your original music for adjudication by a jury of over a dozen industry professionals, curated by the Film Scoring Academy of Europe and the European Recording Orchestra (ERO), for the chance to win great prizes and studio recording sessions of your music.
The 2024 Call for Scores includes more prizes for more composers than ever before.
Submit music of any instrumentation. There are no restrictions on instrumentation, duration, style, or the composer's age, ethnicity or experience. Submit examples of your best music.
Submit more than one piece and let your creative voice speak for you. Adjudication takes into account the composer's unique compositional voice as displayed across multiple submissions.
Composers must submit a PDF and mp3 of their music via the form below. mp3's can be notation software audio renderings, MIDI mockups or live recorded audio.


All Composers • All entering composers are awarded an extended 4-month trial of Dorico Pro 5 and a 20% off Dorico coupon, courtesy of Steinberg and the Dorico team!
Top 250 • Exclusive Access to FSAE Online Educational Content and a €1,000 Scholarship to the FSAE Online Graduate Diploma in Film & Game Scoring
Top 150 • Private 90-minute Live Seminar: "Crafting Compelling Hybrid Scores" hosted by the Film Scoring Academy of Europe, and a €750 Scholarship to the annual Film Scoring Summer Program on the Black Sea
Top 50 • Two private 90-minute Live Seminars with:
1. Conrad Pope, Hollywood's most prolific orchestrator
2. Christopher Young, one of Hollywood's most notable film composers
Top 10 • Finalists
Steinberg's Dorico Elements 5 (€99 value)
One-on-one orchestration lesson with Dr. Norman Ludwin, orchestrator for Michael Giacchino
Individual Feedback Sheets from the Jury
Top 5 • Top Finalists
17-piece strings recording session with the European Recording Orchestra (ERO) at Doli Media Studio (€475 value) - Top Finalists only
Steinberg's Dorico Pro 5 (€579 value)
One-on-one "Finding Your Voice" session with Dr. Andy Hill, Director of Studies at FSAE
Promotion in various public forums and industry spaces, as well as the ERO's Call for Scores 'Past Winners' Leaderboard
Top 2 • Co-Winners
52-piece symphony orchestra recording session with the European Recording Orchestra (ERO) at BNR Studio 1 (€1,175 value)
Steinberg's Dorico Pro 5 (€579 value)
Steinberg's Iconica Opus Library (€999 value)
Professionally mixed and edited audio and video from the session to be used in paid promotion for the composer

2024 Results

Listen to the Winners:
Listen to the Top Finalists:

Terms & Conditions: Slot Bookings and Call for ScoresWhen booking a recording slot with the ERO, the composer agrees to the following: Upon submission of the booking form, session details will be emailed to the email address provided on the form. These details will include information on how to connect remotely to the recording session, as well as protocol for uploading scores and parts to be printed and prepared for the session. Composers will be able to interact with our production personnel in the recording booth during their recording slot in order to provide feedback during the recording and help facilitate a successful session. The deadline for uploading scores and parts for the session will be exactly 72 hours (3 days) before the start date and time of the recording session. If the composer misses this scores and parts deadline, the composer will not be permitted to record. Submission of the form is final and non-refundable. In the unlikely event of unforeseen circumstances causing a cancellation of the recording session, the composer will have their payment returned in full. The ERO reserves the right to change the published date of the recording session if a schedule conflict arises. Composers will be notified of this date change. It is not mandatory for the composer to be present during the recording session. In this case, the ERO production personnel will record the music without the composer's input. When submitting to a recording session's associated Call for Scores, the composer agrees to the following: The Call for Scores for any given session will close 14 days prior to the start date of the session. Adjudication of all submissions will take place immediately and a winner will be named within 48 hours of the closing of the competition. The winner will be granted a recording slot on the session, and therefore agrees to the Terms and Conditions listed above for booking a recording slot.
How does the Call for Scores work?One slot on every session is reserved for a Call for Scores winner. Composers can submit multiple entries to any of the Call for Scores. Composers can enter the Call for Scores by submitting a piece of their music that best demonstrates their creative voice as a composer. The winner will be given a recording slot on that session. Submitted music does not need to conform to the instrumentation for the recording session. Composers should submit their best music that demonstrates their creative voice and orchestration abilities. Submitted works can be for small or large ensembles, voice(s) or solo instruments, and can be either concert works or music for film. There are no restrictions on the type of music submitted to any of the Call for Scores. The European Recording Orchestra is searching for composers who demonstrate a high level of creative and orchestrational proficiency.
How long will my recording slot be?Slots are 15-minutes each.
Can I book more than one slot?Yes! If you want more than 15 minutes of recording time, you can book multiple slots. They will be grouped together.
How many minutes of music can I record?We can record approximately 2 minutes of music in a 15 minute recording slot. If you are interested in booking more time, we can record approximately 6-7 minutes of music per hour.
How will I connect remotely?Upon submission of the form on this page, you will receive an email with information on how to connect to the session via Video (Zoom) and HD Audio (Audiomovers ListenTo). Note: you do not need to download, install or purchase AudioMovers ListenTo. You will receive a link which you will visit in your browser to stream the HD audio signal from the session. You do need to have a free Zoom account.
Can I fly in to Sofia to be present at the session?Absolutely! We love when composers join us live. Just send a message to Ronan Scolard, Operations Director (rscolard@iamu.edu) and let him know of your plans.
Will I be able to provide feedback to the musicians during my session?Yes, we will have an open line of communication between you and our score supervisor to ensure you are getting out of the recording exactly what you need.
Can my music be to picture (with click)?Yes, the conductor and all musicians will have headphones. If you elect to record with click, you will need to upload a MIDI file which contains tempo information of your music when you upload your scores and parts.
Can my music be without picture (without click)?Yes, it is not mandatory to use click. You can record a piece that is in "free time."
How will I submit my scores and parts?Upon submission of the form on this page, you will receive an email with information on how and when to upload your scores and parts for this session. The ERO team on the ground will take care of printing and preparing the scores and parts for the session.
Can I send prelays for the musicians to have in their headphones during recording?Yes, you will have the opportunity to upload any prelays you want the musicians to hear during the session.

Past Winners and Finalists

Honorable mentions from the 2022 Call for Scores are awarded to composers Andre Carvalho, Ann Chia-Ying Lee, David John Roche, Dominik Zvoboda, Nicolas Ballois, Patryk Sikora, Pere Gual, Su-Chan Sang, Yiren Wang, Zhengtao Pan, and Ziang Liu. Additional congratulations to you on your fantastic submissions!